You can 'always' do more than your mind tells you can do.

Summiting a 14’er is the proof that anything is possible, it’s just one step at a time. We will push ourselves outside our comfort zones and gain new levels of confidence. Every challenge we conquer is a training ground for the next one we want to attack.

Together in Aspen; we will experience pushing our minds and bodies beyond what many people do in their lifetimes – operating at 10,000+ ft above sea level, a guided ascent to the summit of Conundrum Peak – the fourteener. We will be educated on climbing techniques, learn about the history and surroundings of Aspen and gain the experience of breaking free of our current limitations.

If you’re ready to reveal a new level of inner strength, get unstuck and become a better version of yourself, join us for the once in a lifetime adventure.


“He who climbs upon the highest mountains laughs at all tragedies, real or imaginary.”
-Friedrich Neitszche

Aspen - July 2025
Dates: July 27 - 30, 2025
Price: $695

Join us as we summit Castle Peak and Conundrum Peak (two summits in the same day) with a pre-hike through the flower fields of Maroon Bells.

Register Today!