Most great ideas die at the altar of execution
At Boundless, we take already high performing humans to new levels of performance. We believe that you are the greatest limiting factor to your future success and by refocusing your attention, beginning with your foundational of wellness, you will unlock increasing levels of capacity you never knew were available thereby creating a Life of Boundless possibility. Our proven process creates the clarity needed to understand your future state and works backward to ensure daily execution toward the achievement of your designed Boundless future. It takes work and it’s worth it! Let’s go get it together!

The Boundless Guide
The Boundless Guide is the starting point in creating a Boundless Life. It’s a set of work tools that guide you step by step in the creation of your Boundless Life Plan. Then the Boundless Journal accompanies the Boundless Guide to assist you in daily, weekly, and monthly review of and execution of these plans. It’s a two-part system. Part one, The Boundless Guide, gain clarity of where you want to go. Part two, The Boundless Journal, do the work consistently to achieve these outcomes. Remove The Boundless Guide from The Boundless Journal and begin your journey. Once complete, you will have the details needed to begin working effectively in The Boundless Journal.
The Boundless Journal
Each Boundless Journal is designed to maximize progress for 3 months then a new Boundless Journal is needed for your reset. Now, using your completed Boundless Guide as the starting point you can effectively begin the execution part of this life journey. The key to the success of this system is ‘consistency’ and we designed The Boundless Journal to foster consistency by making it simple to use and easy to understand.

Getting Started
At Boundless, we take already high performing humans to new levels of performance. We believe that you are the greatest limiting factor to your future success and by refocusing your attention, beginning with your foundational of wellness on yourself you will unlock increasing levels of capacity you never knew were available thereby creating a Life of Boundless possibility. Our proven process creates the clarity needed to understand your future state and works backward to ensure daily execution toward the achievement of your designed Boundless future. It takes work and it’s worth it! Let’s go get it together!

The Boundless Guide is a set of tools created to allow you zoom out into the future and back into the present focusing you on the creation of your own personal Boundless Life. The sections of the guide follow a proven format beginning with the totality of your life, then back to your satisfaction level with your current state and back out again to a 10-year horizon and so on. It’s important that you follow the cadence outlined below. The guide is removable so you can move it from Journal to Journal as you progress, and you’ll find extra Boundless Tools in the back of the journal.
Your Dreams:
The YOUR DREAMS tool in your Boundless Guide is just as simple as it sounds. It’s a place for you to write down in the spaces provided all the ‘dreams’ you may have for your life. These are the really big things. You may have no idea how you will achieve them, and they may even scare you a little bit. Nothing is off limits - you can put anything you like in this section. ‘What are all the things you want to see, experience, learn or do?’ There are 40 spaces in this section. Do not feel like you need to fill them all up before you move on. You’ll continually discover new dreams and add them to this list and from this list you’ll begin to pull ideas for future goals and plans.
Your Now:
Every new journey starts with the clarity of where is the beginning, where you are now. The YOUR NOW tool in your Boundless Guide will help you gain clarity of your current state of satisfaction. This section is separated in to two parts 1) Adults and 2) Kids/Teens. For the Adult, the focus is on 6 different areas of your life (Family, Finance, Faith, Fitness, Friends, and Fun). For the Kid/Teen the focus is on 3 different areas of your life (Family, Fun and Future). Complete the section that is appropriate for you and your stage of life. Follow the instructions on the tool to fill in your current satisfaction level (1-10) for each area and then proceed to describe ‘Where you are, what’s happening or not happening and how you feel about it'.
Your Life:
Moving from Your Now to YOUR LIFE (10+ years out into the future) begin creating, by design, a clear outcome on a specific date of what you want to be true in your life. To achieve this there are four categories that you will be creating goals in (Relationships, Achievements, Rituals, and Wealth). You can choose to rename these categories whatever you like, these ‘titles’ are simply a guide to segment your thinking. Follow the instructions on the tool starting with choosing a date at least 10 years in the future and calculating your age on that date. Then, write down a few relationships that are important to you, the people in your life, these can be your parents, your partner or spouse, your friends, your pet. Any relationship that you feel is important to you along with their age on your selected date. At this stage you’ll automatically begin to move yourself out into the future and experience, in your mind’s eye, what is true about that relationship on that date. It can be helpful to close your eyes and use your mind to create the vision before you begin to write down in the space provided (under the heading relationship). Once you complete the ‘relationship’ column, repeat this process of closing your eyes, thinking about, and visioning, for each of the other columns ‘Achievements, Rituals and Wealth’. The Goal here is to, as clearly as possible, write down what is true in each category on your selected date. It may also be helpful to ask yourself ‘What would success look like for me on this selected date’ in order to capture the vividness of the outcome.
Your Year:
Now that you have clarity in each of the four Your Life areas (relationships, achievements, rituals, and wealth) for your minimum 10+ year horizon date we need to define what do we need to do this year to ensure we are moving toward the achievement of Your Life goals. Start in the Relationships column then, just like above, move column by column left to right, in the YOUR YEAR section of The Boundless Guide. Look at the YOUR LIFE (10+ YEAR) column(s) above each section, and ask yourself “If those things are to be true in 10+ years, what must I do this year to create momentum toward fulfillment?” In the space provided write down a few things that you know you must complete this year. Start by using the YOUR LIFE goals to inform these YOUR YEAR goals but don’t limit yourself as you may have some things in your life that you need to complete so that you can focus on what you want from life. In fact, it’s more often true that this is the case. Write down anything that you feel needs to be completed this year for each category. Make sure it is in the correct tense to vividly describe the success you have achieved. A good way to do this is to ask, ‘What would success look like at the end of the year?’ – this would be the outcome or goal you are wanting to achieve.
Your Why:
The power of understanding why a goal is important to you is paramount in your ability to change your behavior toward what needs to happen. Follow the instructions on the tool, write your goal(s) at the top then work your way down answering and re-answering the questions. The process of answering and re-answering the questions in writing is designed to get you thinking more deeply about ‘why’ something is important to you. The faster you allow yourself to move toward an emotional answer the closer you will be getting to the truth and the stronger your conviction will be toward the stated goal(s). The truth will create emotion and emotion will create conviction towards your goal(s). Once you have defined Your Why you may write it directly on the YOUR YEAR tool at the bottom of the column. You will want to repeat this exercise for each column and possibly for multiple goals in each column, it’s your choice. There are extra YOUR WHY tools located in the back of the Journal.

Your Best Self:
The YOUR BEST SELF tool in your Boundless Guide is for you to create a list of things to, over time, add to your life as a habit that help you become your ‘best self’. In the spaces provided write down any action that you know if you did this or if you stopped doing this each and every day, you’ll add to rather than subtract from being your Best Self. The key here is each and every day. This doesn’t mean you are committing to do or not do this each and every day, but you know that if you did, you’d be a better version of yourself. You’re looking for actions that make you feel better, make you think more clearly, cause you to be in a better mood etc. You’ll notice on the left side of your list a series of small boxes. For each activity define a letter, number or symbol and write it in the box next to the activity. Any letter, number or symbol is fine just so that when you see it you know what the activity is that it represents. Don’t repeat letters, numbers of symbols. Once you have created your list and denoted each activity with a letter, number or symbol, we suggest you choose a few to focus on rather than taking on all of these at once. Pick one, two or maybe three that you really feel you’d like to begin the process of making them a habit toward becoming your Best Self.
Your Month:
Before you fill out YOUR MONTH in the guide decide if you’re going to use The Boundless Journal consistently. If you are, disregard the YOUR MONTH section as it is repeated inside The Boundless Journal. If not, follow the instruction on the tool to complete your first YOUR MONTH focus. Begin at the top of the tool. Looking back at YOUR YEAR, decide on a few things that you need to get done this month that will get you closer to achieving your desired outcomes for the year. Write these YOUR MONTH goals in the spaces provided at the top of the tool. Once you have this completed, fill in the days of the current month, or the next 30 days if you choose, in the small boxes in the upper right of each day. Build yourself a calendar. Then move on to Your Best Self ‘boxes’ at the bottom of each day. You’ll notice there is room for up to 5 of these daily activities. As stated, prior, you do not need to choose 5, or even 3, any progress is better than no progress so take it slow. From your listed choices write in each day the letter, number or symbol that represents Your Best Self activity. Lastly, it’s important that you are returning to view and work from this section each day for 30 days, checking off your goals and checking off Your Best Self items as you achieve them. To assist with this the design is created with space each day to write in a statement of gratitude, a simple “What are you grateful for today?” answer. This activity, writing daily gratitude, reviewing Your Best Self activities and acting on them, reviewing Your Month goals and acting on them, then resetting every 30 days with the alignment of Your Year, Your Life and Your Dreams will begin to create the momentum you desire toward a Boundless Life.

Using your completed Boundless Life Guide as the starting point you can effectively begin the execution part of this life journey. The key to the success of this system is ‘consistency’ and we designed The Boundless Life Journal to foster consistency by making it simple to use and easy to understand.
Your Now:
Every new month will begin with a new YOUR NOW tool so that you are revisiting this tool at the start of each new month to inform the goals you develop for each month. If you have completed The Boundless Guide YOUR NOW tool recently you may not need to do the first one in The Boundless Journal as you will already have the content to work with. If not, The Your Now tool in your Boundless Journal will help you gain clarity of your current state with regards to 6 different areas of your life (Family, Finance, Faith, Fitness, Friends and Fun).
Your Month:
The first part is simply a full month view, in the space provided, write the month where you are beginning. In the space provided, write the days of this month. This view is designed to give you a big picture view of your month and is flexible in how you use it. You may choose to write in birthdays, special events, vacations, or anything else you’d like to use this view for. To the right of the YOUR MONTH view you’ll find a column for Monthly Notes. This area may be used to capture any notes you feel are important for this month.
The second part, THIS MONTH’S GOALS, beginning on the page following the full calendar view, is where you’ll combine the use of your Boundless Guide and your new Boundless Journal. There are 2 pages with designed spaces for you to look at your Boundless Guide YOUR LIFE/ YOUR YEAR categories (relationships, achievements, rituals, and wealth) and define a few must achieve goals for YOUR MONTH that will move you closer to the completion of YOUR YEAR goals and ultimately YOUR LIFE goals. Align each monthly goal with your yearly goals by circling the focus area (relationships, achievements, rituals, or wealth) if an adult or (family, fun, future) if a kid/teen.
Your Week:
Once you have YOUR MONTH GOALS set it’s time to get down to day-to-day execution. This is the space we use to focus each day on a few small things that, over a longer period of time, will provide you the gains you desire in your life. We use the YOUR WEEK section to create focus both on our goals and on our own personal development. Have your Boundless Guide ready and open to the YOUR BEST SELF section.
Sunday – Monday – Tuesday – Wednesday – Thursday – Friday – Saturday:
In the space provided write in the month, day, and year for each of the 7 days represented. If you are starting mid-week just complete from the starting date forward leaving the unneeded days blank.
Daily Best Self:
For each day you’ll find a series of small boxes labeled ‘Daily Best Self’ at the bottom of each day. There are multiple boxes for you to transfer your ‘letter, number or symbol’ over from YOUR BEST SELF section of The Boundless Guide. We suggest that you choose only a few to get started, thinking about those daily activities that bring you the most positive outcomes. Simply write, in the spaces provided, the letter, number or symbol of the Daily Best Self item you will commit to completing daily.
Daily Top Priority:
Narrowing your focus to one highly important achievement each day and then getting that one thing done builds momentum. In the space provided write down the single most important achievement for each day. You can do this as you go day by day or you can do this at the beginning of each week for the whole week (which we prefer and is proven to be more effective). Start by looking at YOUR MONTH GOALS to inform what you may be doing as a Daily Top Priority. Is there something from YOUR MONTH GOALS that you need to do something about this week?
Daily Rating:
How was your day? At the end of each day, it is a good practice to evaluate the day and this simple tool of scoring how good the day was will help you look back and see your progress. Obviously, the goal is to have more good days than bad days and to continually increase the number of good days over time. | -2 is terrible | -1 is bad | 0 is just ok | +1 is good | +2 is excellent.
Step Count:
10,000 steps each day has been shown to improve overall health. You can track your daily steps via many different devices and add the count to your Journal.
Today, I Am Grateful For :
We purposely saved this one to cover last for a very good reason. It may be the single most powerful element of The Boundless Journal and not for the reason you may think. Earlier we mentioned ‘consistency’ being the key to changing habits, getting better and ultimately achieving your goals. The simple act of looking at your goals, all those things you say are important, will begin to create consistency. Daily, morning or evening, you’ll open your journal, giving yourself full visibility and access to all your goals, all your Best Self actions, all your commitments and you’ll simply, in the space provided, write down what you are grateful for today. This becomes your daily ‘check in’ with yourself reinforcing all the components of The Boundless Journal and The Boundless Guide.
Do I do this in the morning, during the day or evening? The sun image means that this is typically done at the beginning of the day. The moon image means that this is typically done at the end of the day. The combined, sun and moon, means you could do this at any time during the day.
Your Week in Review:
At the end of each week, you’ll find a YOUR BEST WEEK area designed for you to total your week’s progress with You Daily Best Self activities, Your Daily Rating Average based on your daily ratings along with any other progress notes you’d like to document.
Your Month in Review:
At the end of each month, you’ll find a YOUR MONTH IN REVIEW page designed for you to total your month’s progress with You Daily Best Self activities, Your Monthly Rating based on your daily and weekly ratings along with any other progress notes you’d like to document.
Part of the design of The Boundless Journal is the incorporation of NOTES pages. Simply a series of blank pages that you can take notes on throughout your day to day, so you don’t need to carry an extra ‘journal’ for notes. It’s everything in one place and as a bonus you’ll have all your goals with you all the time.
Every purchase enables Boundless Outreach into lesser served communities. Boundless is solely focused on the improvement of the human condition from within and by purchasing a Journal you are adding to the impact for those that traditionally may not have access to the tools and information needed to create life change for themselves. For every one, there is one given.
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